About Us

Our Story

Someone once said, "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. " I am sure we are all guilty of this. The disrespect and abuse we have meted out to the environment are now coming back to bite us as drastic Climatic Changes. It is time to "WAKE UP" & "Take Stock".

AmeEartha, an initiative by Somik Banerjee, an environment evangelist, are a range of eco-friendly stationery offerings unique in design and the message they bring to the user AmeEartha is a shoot of a more extensive portfolio that Somik brings to market under the flagship of Corpserve.

Meet AmeEartha – designed to bring a change in mindset. The real difference is while they are eco-friendly, they also bring an ingrained message to love & respect nature. All AmeEartha offerings are nature friendly. Most items having completed their usable life, can be embedded in soil and, if watered right, will sprout into a plant, bringing the joy of nature to your doorstep.

AmeEartha today offers two ranges, one designed and created keeping in mind the needs of children and the other for corporates. AmeEartha stationery and gift items are handmade using sustainable materials, with seeds embedded in them. The message that AmeEartha brings is - to use its offerings to the max, when done, dispose of responsibly, and send it back to nature from where we came. It continues to be your companion, albeit in a different avatar.

AmeEartha, engaging children in their formative years and allowing the professionals to show their responsibility to the environment, brings two distinct series, The School Series & The Corporate Series.

Mission: GO GREEN To Keep This WORLD CLEAN!

The School Series

They say, "Catch them young" No better place to sow seeds of a new beginning than in the fertile minds of the young. If we have to save our planet, everyone needs to do their bit, and there is no influencer more emphatic than children. To ingrain a sense of responsibility towards the environment among children, we present the " AmeEartha School Series" - crafted with much thought and care. Handmade, plantable, and biodegradable- Each item is designed with care, adhering to the highest quality standards. John Cleal once said, "We must teach our children to smell the earth, taste the rain, touch the wind, see things grow, hear the sunrise and nightfall – to care."

With AmeEartha, we are helping them watch things grow and be part of that growth. As an educational institute, you get an opportunity to make learning tangible and instill a sense of responsibility to nature in your students. Teach them to respect nature and give back. AmeEartha also gives the student their first brush with circular economy and hopefully ingrain it in their very behavior. There is no more significant deed today than bringing up a generation that will respect the planet and not just view it as land for pilferage. Not to mention adding a feather to your Institute’s reputation for adhering to a noble purpose.

The Corporate Series

Sustainability is no longer an option. It is the need of the hour. As managers leading the corporates, you are responsible for making it a part of your corporate culture. Your peers and subordinates watch and emulate more than follow instructions; hence for any change to see the light of the day, it is essential to walk the talk. One baby step towards showcasing your responsibility to the environment could be your choice of stationary, incentive recognition and corporate gifts. Move to sustainable options.

Presenting " AmeEartha Office Stationery & Corporate gifts"; made of handmade, plantable, biodegradable material, they are, as their name suggests, friends of nature. Other than being eco-friendly, they go a step further to help you participate in the circular economy, embed them in a potful of soil and watch them sprout into a plant. A recognition that stays with the employee even after the gift item has outlived its utility. AmeEartha is the choice for customizable quality gift items for your customers and staff. Join our movement to a greener, more balanced and healthier planet!!

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